Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Being a recruitment agent, I have interviewed many youngsters for holiday jobs and have come across many school leavers without a proper education cert. I wonder why these people dun bother about education anymore.

Is it because their parents have been too nice to them and these people's mindsets are they can always and forever depend on their parents or get a rich husband or wife to marry and have a comfortable life?

These people who dun study properly and get a proper basic cert ('N', 'O', ITE, Diploma...etc) will find it difficult to get a proper job in life and move forward in life!!

Your parents have high hopes for you when they gave you life. They nurtured you, fed you, made sure you grow well, gave you knowledge, supported you, bought the things you liked for you - THEY LOVE YOU! Do you know you are being very selfish by not studying hard, by not being fillial to them, by not being able to support them in future when they have given you almost everything that is the best for you!!

Friends may be important and they may influence your life and you really like to hang around with them, but when trouble comes, who stick with you? Who offer you advice? Who help you settle things? Who still love you no matter wat happens? YOUR PARENTS!!

And if you are between 15 to 20, your parents are not getting any younger. They would have slogged their youth away just to support you, just to buy you that toy you badly wanted, or that Play Station or PSP or MP4 player that you really wanted. Things that they dun even bear to own themselves - yet they try their best to provide for you.

So isn't it rite that you study hard and try your best for their sake? I am fed up with looking at resumes that state "Sec 4 - Not completed", "Secondary 3 Education". Its not that I am anti these people, just that the society out there requires certification - NOT ME.

I am just anti these people who break their parents' hearts because they are selfish and are so centre-minded that they focus only on their own difficulties and cannot see how much effort, tears, heartache, money, hope and LOVE that their parents put int for them since they came into this world.

To these people, I say, WAKE UP. Work hard now and you will not suffer later in life. Its better to suffer now a bit and study for a couple of years more rather than to suffer the next 20-40years working like a cow and paid peanuts. And worse still, your parents suffer with you as they get old and you are unable to provide for them properly. So you better wake up now and start somewhere in life.

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