Sunday, September 2, 2007


Saturday was a good day for me.

I went to meet Kerin and Chelsia at Spore Expo at 4.45pm and we went to CITY HARVEST CHURCH at Hall 7. For the 1st time in my life I realised that Kerin has actually been a christian for 7 YEARS. My God..... And I didnt even know I have such a great sister beside me..... God really works wonders when you least expect it....

The routine is still the same there, the praise and worship, then announcements, then sermons, then closing.....

I dun really merged with the songs...... cos i didnt really know them well but well, I still sang along cos I love God.

The preacher was Pastor Kong. I love him cos the way he speaks can move the hills and mountains and even the earth. The sermon was about the sets of 2 things that we can choose and GRACE.

I liked the part on GRACE. It was the 2nd half of the sermon and I was prepared to be starting to get restless and irritated for sitting down so long and be in a "classroom" again.... But I was amazed that all the restlessness went away when the 1st point hit me.... I see Pastor Kong as an instrument of God that God used to send His message to the people in the audience..... and at least 1 person in the audience dropped their JAW...... and it was me....

Because we believe in our God, we have the impression that God will love us no matter wat happens, no matter how bad we sin, we are still lovable and we still have God's grace upon us..... But I learnt....

1) Grace does not absolve us from the ten commandments (Exodus 20 of the bible) that are great sins of mankind that lead us to lawlessness, lead us to destruction, lead us to go to hell....

2) Grace is not the license to sin.

3) Grace does not absolve us from confessions.

4) Grace does not absolve us from sanctification.

5) Grace does not excuse us from works.

Every single point made me bow my head lower. Cos God was definately sending me a message, He was absolutely talking to me.....because I fail all 5 points....

1) His ten commandments: These are temptations and I know I have at least broke a few of them. I am not fluent with the bible, I dun read it at all, and I dun even know where each verse is, but I only know that I am true to myself and I know that I have sinned cos I am not perfect.

2) I always think that as long as i am a child of God, I will be forgiven even when I sin, and God's grace will always be with me. I even behave like a devil when I tempt church goers not to go to church but go to have fun with me (YOU KNOW WHO), saying that God will understand, God will forgive you..... see the circumstances....

I always say God will see the circumstances and the situation that you were in to make urself sin and forgive you for the circumstances around you....

But now I realise that you are the one looking at the circumstance. If we really love God, we would not look at circumstance but LOOK AT HIM..... and ignore the circumstance around us.... its not the circumstances that make u sin, its urself who CHOSE to look at the circumstance.....

3) Confessions. How many of us are actually brave enough to admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.... actually I am not brave enough. Everytime things happen, i get affected badly and I dun think clearly. I need days, weeks, mths, years to sort things straight. I need courage to say sorry and admit my mistakes. Even if I do admit my mistakes, I am admitting them unwillingly sometimes......jus for the sake of admitting.....

4) We need to constantly purify ourselves. In the sense of mind, in the sense of mentality, in the sense of spirituality, in the sense of our heart, in ourselves. Things come in and cloud our vision and we lose our way. That is why we become lost sheep. BTW, sheep is the dumbest animal on earth cos their brains are small..... they can NEVER find their way back from the fields that is why they need shephards and sheep dogs to guide them back to their enclosure every dusk....

5) Do not procrastinate about work. Cos work can tell others what kind of person are you. If you do a good work, no amount of fire can burn it down, but if you do a sloppy job, it will crash cos foundation is not there..... be it your job, be it your relationship, be it your friendship, be it anything you do...... do a good work out of it..... cos it will show in time.....

See.... I am guilty of ALL 5 points......

I decided to CHANGE THE WORLD by Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) by building an ark, not outside to show people, but inside to store the kindness, the goodness, the best things I want for myself and others and SHINE..... (bullshit ok)

I going to reflect on my life and think of things that I have not done my best and endeavour to do them better the next opportunity I get....

Anyway, after church, the words of the sermon were still rooted deep within me....

But I still needed to eat.... so me and Kerin and Chelsia went to TIAN FU for dinner..... YEAH..... and after dinner we picked Wendy up and went for a movie cos we ran out of ideas as to where to go. We went to Century Square at 11plus......

With no show in mind that we wanted to watch, we jus happen to see EVAN ALMIGHTY with jus 1 min left to showtime. We grabbed 3 tickets and went in, jus nice to sit down and escape all the commercials.....and the show started.....

This show was partly about obedience to God and that evil things will be revealed so no point doing them.....

Again I learnt something from the movie...... I learnt that God does not give you the EXACT things you always wanted, because He wanted to give you something better. And ALWAYS for me, the things He gave me, were always better in many ways than my original request. And when God does give you stuff, He always let you have a choice. He doesnt wrap your request in wrapping paper and give it to you. He will have you choose your own opportunities to make your request better than your original request. I finally know how God works..... so cool..... Improvements, innovations, upgrades, opportunities..... wonderful......

Having calling it a day, I went back to bradel to watch "shocking asia" with the gang (terence, john, adam were there) and even aunty irene was watching it together.... it was really shocking cos it showed the op where the guy's privates were transformed into a gal's privates and lotsa other stuff which I think is quite obsence to reveal here.....

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