Thursday, September 6, 2007

Its a rainy day

I woke up this morn to a rainy day. I guess rainy days are the worst cos emotions, tots, feelings, everything inside you goes on a roller coaster ride that runs out of control.

I have been dreaming about some people who used to be close to me, who used to be part of my life and whom I used to love....... and I hate that kind of feeling when you can only see them in your dreams, when you wake up wanting more, when you wake up feeling deprived and missing something......

Some people whom you hang out with almost everyday, now reduced to strangers, now how's that going to feel to you? Sore rite? I dunno if its only me, only me where I am here wondering and thinking and keeping them some place inside my mind and heart or is it the same thing with them? Or they are not the same. They continue to live life without any tinge of me anywhere.... or is their situation there same as me here pondering and wondering?

Fate plays people in a weird way. It is divided into 2 parts - 缘 and 份.

缘 is where you meet these people who become your friends, your close friends, your best friends, your bf/gf, your lover, your partner.....

But without 份, you will never last as friends, as close friends, as best friends, as bf/gf in a relationship, as a lover, as a partner, as a hubby/wife....

That is why people say 有缘无份 or 缘分已尽 when a marriage or friendship breaks up.

It is used to say that in a marriage, their fate is sealed with a child. Not many couples have children, does it mean that their fate is not sealed? I dun wan to think so much, but tots are invading me.... HELP, I NEED MY M&Ms again...... I seriously think I am gaining weight due to the chocolates, but who cares...... as long as I am happy rite?

So I must treasure the people around me so as not have anymore regrets of letting the 份 go..... We shall have 缘分 till the end of our lives...... side by side..... I know there are many faithful readers to my blog... give me some comments will ya? Jus leave me a tag pls..... let me know you love me or hate me pls..... hahahahahhahaa..... I know the songs a bit depressing, but it reflects my mood rite now..... sorry to make you depressed as well..... hahahahhaa..... I better get back to my M&Ms before I commit suicide.....

Its the time of the month you must understand... hahaha, kenji's going to tell me that if I am pregnant i'll get pre and post natal blues again......... Its my dreams la. I havent been dreaming for quite a while already, but its raining so I slept in for a while and TADA..... they came lor..... Ok, now I'm gonna write down my dreams somewhere and try to sleep again to continue my dream and tell them to PISS OFF....

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