Friday, December 14, 2007

Pre-PMS symptoms

Think I'm experiencing pre-PMS symptoms already. I know it when I feel that chocolates are the only thing that can calm me down and make me less jittery. I know it when my mind wanders and my mood swings. I know it is here.

Well, you visited quite earlier you know? Its only mid of the month, although its jus another 14 days that you would be over...... since you are here, I cant shrug you off can I? I shall use chocolates and snacks and lotsa food and drinks to suppress you. You can stay (cos I have no choice) but you stay away from me - stop pulling me down.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

Think its difficult to face your disappointments especially when you really wan things to go as you wished they would. I planned to get bambi, but I guess no bambi for junior for christmas, cos my mum doesnt wan another grand-dog in the house. I dun understand why, cos anyway she will be in my room.....

I look at my son and I feel he's such a poor thing. He even resorted to playing with the cats downstairs today. He went up to them and did his silly dance, hoping they would play tag and catching with him.......

I seriously believe he's thinking that he's turned into an outcast already...... I confiscated all my clothes from him cos he humped some of them and I had to soak them for a few days. And now he's furiously attacking his best friend the monkey cos he's so horny I swear his balls stick out from his ears....

He tried to talk to me. But I am so tired and I am so busy doing my stuff. At least if he has a wife or a gf he could make small talk in dog-language with her. And a wife or gf would keep him busy and not lonely.......


I already have $508 worth of sponsors.....pls help to make the amount to $ christmas eve..... so that i can have a gift for junior......

Its depressing for a mum to see her own son so depressed bout his life.....

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