Tuesday, February 5, 2008


You know, I am starting to get a little cough. And I need to stay off chicken..... SO..... BAH KUAH HERE I COME...... hiak hiak hiak hiak......

Early in the morn today I drank a big cup of coffee. Cos I am trying to keep myself awake. I stayed up till 1am to clean up my room and move more stuff to tortilla. Now my room is baby safe for junior and brandy, except their baby stuff I already moved to sengkang and I need to bring back some incase they need it. YEAH.

I am desperately trying to control my diet and lose a bit of weight cos photo shoot is soon, BUT kenji jus bought 1 carton of beer and 1 huge box of oranges and 1 big bag of BAH KUAH for my parents. How to resist?

Actually the photo shoot is bad timing cos its 1month from CNY. How to lose weight like tat? NVM la. Actually photo shoot look bit chubby also can la. At least is "fu qi" ma. Hahahahhaha.

Ah ber here wishing everyone from all over the world reading my bloggie - a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to you!!! May you be prosperous, filled with great health, overflowing with happiness from within, lucky in all your business ventures and smooth sailing RAT YEAR.....

For those who are single - Wish that you get a good soulmate as your partner and surrounded by family and loved ones. Have a great career and live life to the fullest!!!

For those who are married - Wish that your family is harmonious and peaceful, all children fillial and elders generous with love, advice and support. Have more babies to bring in the fun & laughter & joy!!!

"Happiness is something that you give to yourself, not something that someone gives you. A smile is put on your face by yourself, not someone else. Love is given to others and yourself and sharing will make it bloom, do not keep it jus for yourself and it will FA MEI - hahahhhaahaah"

Lotsa LOVE,
Ah ber...... aka@ berby princess aka@ Belinda Yang aka@ Junior's Mummy aka@ Mrs Kenji Lim.

Muahahaahahahahahah...... Even my hamster is smiling..... this RAT year must be a great year...... A CNY card from my company to everyone out there!!! (I hope the fishy moves)...

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