Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gone with my wings??? I dun think so...

I know I gonna get depressed with my wings gone. Plus I am down with flu and a toothache. Whenever my health is not in top form, my emotions always go haywire and goes on a roller coaster ride. But this time I am quite calm.

Haha. Maybe the antibiotics that I am on have sedatives in them. Maybe I have learnt to take things easy? (Not very convinced).

Funny thing is, I have been learning to accept the way things are now.....

With immediate effect my commission is affected. I dun even need to wait till march. It was a blessing in disguise to let tortilla go. I am sad I had to make such a decision but it was a rite one. Cos if he didnt go, I will have to go (meaning hug him and die together). Hahaha.

Losing my wings is not a big thing. Cos I wasnt born with wings. So i'll need to get adjusted to things now. The simple things in life can also bring happiness. Not neccesary to have luxurious things to be happy..

For example, you can be happy taking a bus ride around and seeing the beautiful creations by God. You can be happy by lazing around at the beach and spending time with the people you love. You can be extremely happy when you get to take a ride in people's car and go to JB!!!

Hahahahaha...... Ok i am proud that i am taking things well.....

I am not gone with my wings. Ah ber is still here and doin well ok.....

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